Renting an apartment in India is not about the certain price bracket or the budget of the interest tenant alone. There are many other important factors such as location, access to major landmarks and availability of basic as well as luxurious amenities that come into play. All said and done, it is eventually one’s skills to negotiate that come out as the crucial aspect to get the apartment of one’s choice. If one is adept at knowing what it takes to negotiate effectively, it can be a time saver as well as it saves you a significant amount of money and ensure you get the best deal possible. So take a look at some of the key tips to consider when negotiating an apartment for rent in India.
1. Understand the rental market
Once getting off to your search for an apartment for rent, one must understand about rental market in y chosen area. In this direction, it is important that you conduct research about current rental rates and trends so that there is clarity on what can be expected of a certain apartment.
2. Set a budget and stick to it
This is a no-brainer as determining the budget is a fundamental step when searching for an apartment for rent in India. More often than not, the landlords quote a higher price than they expect to receive, and this leaves plenty of room for negotiation. If one stays firm on the budget, they can easily avoid overextending themselves financially while confidently negotiating for a price that works for them.
3. Inspect the apartment thoroughly
Prior to starting a negotiation for the apartment of your choice, thoroughly inspect the apartment for any maintenance issues or necessary repairs. There may be certain common issues or damages such as leaky faucets, broken fixtures, or peeling paint. If any of these flaws are found, use them to leverage rent amount during the negotiation process.
4. Negotiate beyond the rent
Some interested tenants miss the point that negotiation isn’t limited to the monthly rent. Rather, there are other factors to be considered which includes security deposit, maintenance charges, parking fees, and the lease term. To make the negotiation fair and rational, one could negotiate for a lower deposit or request a longer lease term to lock in the rent rate for an extended period.
5. Get Everything in Writing
Once you’ve negotiated the terms, make it a point to have them documented in the lease agreement. Certain clauses of negotiations that must be included in the written lease agreement includes the rent amount, payment terms, security deposit, and any additional clauses you’ve agreed upon. A written agreement is a fuss-free approach since it prevents and dispute that may arise between the tenant and the landlord from future misunderstandings.
Leverage Jain Oncor’s Expertise
Jain Oncor has a vast experience of more than three decades into the field of real estate sales and purchase. Over the years, we have built a reputation for dependability and efficiency. Our team has expert real estate consultants who are adept at the Indian real estate market trends. Through a partnership with Jain Oncor you are able to leverage on its negotiation skills to ensure you get the best rate of an apartment for rent in India. Add to that, we also assist in terms of explaining the legalities of lease agreements for an easy acquisition of real-estate property.
Finding the right apartment for rent in India needs some work in terms of negotiation, and information about the local market and its standards. By doing so you are ensuring yourself of getting the best deal that the company is willing and able to offer. When you choose Jain Oncor as your trusted real estate consultancy service, you assure yourself of real-estate properties that have been filtered as per the needs of the larger buyer and seller base to give a better renting experience. Apart from market analysis to determine the areas with the best apartments, Jain Oncor can also help negotiate better lease terms for the ideal home.