Conducting any business, as a rule, is associated with the need to have office, warehouse, retail, production and other premises designed for certain needs.
Therefore, sooner or later, every entrepreneur faces a dilemma: which is more profitable – renting commercial real estate or buying?

Based on our long-term experience in the real estate market, we can assert that, in addition to one undoubted plus – getting the property into undivided possession and use – in the event of a purchase, the owner will face a number of problems.
These are, first of all, significant acquisition costs that are not comparable to rental costs. The next disadvantage is the automatic assumption of obligations for the maintenance of the facility, its repair, equipping with communications and equipment necessary for doing business.
And another significant drawback is the assumption of tax obligations by the owner of the property.
What is the advantage of renting?
Unlike buying, renting commercial space in Gurgaon has a number of undeniable advantages. Firstly, an entrepreneur is not required to make large expenditures associated with the purchase of an object, which is especially important for small businesses.
Secondly, entrepreneurship is an area of constant risk. When renting, entrepreneurs get rid of all kinds of costs, unlike the owner. Thirdly, a wide range of offers from lessors significantly expands the possibilities of territorial coverage at minimal financial costs.
And if the initial location of the company turns out to be unsuccessful, the company can easily and quickly reorient itself to another territory by renting real estate in another area of the city. In fact, renting has undoubted and obvious advantages for enterprises of any scale and profile.
Why is an independent search dangerous?
Considering that many of the entrepreneurs prefer not to buy but to rent premises for offices, production or shops, it should be noted that some of them make the mistake of relying solely on their own experience in choosing a property.

The first difficulties that lie in wait for the future tenant will arise already at the stage of finding a suitable premises. Another problem in the case when you rent on your own will be the moment of developing the lease.
A well-drafted lease agreement is a guarantee against many losses, protects the interests and rights of the tenant, and eliminates many risks.
But this seemingly obvious fact is often ignored by future tenants. And over time, some find that the profitable commercial property they have found is not actually profitable.
As a rule, the search for premises is carried out within a limited time frame, during which it is rather difficult to assess all the advantages and, importantly, all the disadvantages of the proposed real estate.
And only after some time after the conclusion of the contract, certain problems related to the operation of the facility begin to emerge.
But then nothing can be fixed: you will either have to accept it, or spend a certain amount to improve conditions, or start looking for a new option. And in the end it turns out that the property rented “at random” simply does not pay for itself.
Search subtleties.
If the premises you need should not meet any special requirements, then the best option is to go for Office space for lease in Delhi-NCR in any business center that suits you in terms of price, location, etc.
However, if a real estate object must have a number of necessary characteristics and parameters, then the best way out is to contact a specialized real estate agency, such as Jain Oncor.
Of course, the search for pre-rented properties in Noida with the help of an agency has at least two undeniable advantages.

The first is a guarantee of the client’s safety and high legal literacy of the lease agreement, which will spell out not only the obligations of the parties, but also represent the interests and protect the rights of the tenant.
And the second advantage is the efficiency of selection of the best real estate option from the huge number of office spaces presented in the agency’s database.
Do not forget that the choice of commercial real estate for rent is carried out in a complex and unstable market, where experience and constant awareness of its current state play a decisive role.