Office expenses often take up a large portion of a company’s finances. Payments such as rental fees, office maintenance, furniture, and administration can put a toll on a company’s cash flow and erode profitability. If you are looking for a smart solution on how you can cut these costs out of your business, furnished office…
Tag: office spaces in Gurgaon
Finding The Right Space For Your Office
Both large and medium enterprises as the start-up agree on the need to find an ideal space for your office, as this can increase employee productivity and reduce business costs. However, finding the ideal office can be quite difficult, so we have prepared a series of tips for you to choose an ideal space for…
Why And How To Choose A Coworking Space?
If you’re a freelancer looking for an office where you can put your computer and work every day, we suggest you to think of a coworking space. It’s a place designed to help freelancers increase their productivity, while benefiting from networking opportunities. When working remotely, finding a work environment that facilitates productivity is essential. Rather…
How Does A Coworking Space Work?
The coworking spaces are now a real option for companies looking for a physical site to install their offices. But it is much better than an office since it creates a collaborative microsystem between companies that live under that same roof. Coworking concept The concept is simple. It is a shared workspace where professionals who…
Office space: a concept that evolves between materialism and idealism
The layout of office spaces in Saket and their uses evolves mainly under technological, economic and ideological influences. This vision, which is both concrete and idealistic, commits companies to objectives that may seem at first sight contradictory, mixing leisure with work. From now on, the research on the concepts of space planning focuses on a…