More and more of you are using a broker to finance your real estate acquisition. Beyond the statistics, these results reflect a change in the behavior of the borrowers and attest to the good health of the profession. It is important to note that brokers have a lot of advantages: they are fast, efficient and easy to reach. In short, they enable you to build a financing plan in record time and find the best rate for your file.
How does it work?
The broker, whether he works in branch networks or online, establishes agreements with banking institutions. The latter provide it with rate schedules applicable according to the duration of the credit and the client’s profile (income level, debt ratio, etc.). During the assembly of the file, the broker uses these grids, and according to the scoring of the applicant, the offer will be more or less attractive.
Another technique: the real estate agents in Delhi can negotiate directly the rate, the administration fee or the early redemption fee with a bank of which he knows the commercial policy of the moment. He then returns to the borrower with one or more specific offers.
In both cases, we can estimate that the use of a broker allows a purchaser to earn between 0.40 and 0.50% compared to what their bank would offer them.
A high rate of concretization
If your file does not present any unacceptable defects, you have every chance of getting your loan. Indeed, brokers can rely on an unusually high conversion rate. Why? Because in your interest as in their own, they present to the banks only files “in concrete.” Since they pay only on accepted offers, they will not fail to inform you if your financing plan has weaknesses (insufficient personal contribution, lack of seniority in the company, too frequent discoveries and others). They will ask you to correct them, and they will present your file only when they consider it “ready” to pass in committee.
Several modes of remuneration
Real estate agents in Delhi are only paid on accepted files. But the method of compensation differs according to the brokerage establishments. Some are paid directly by the bank in the form of commission. It is 1% of the amount borrowed. Others will charge a fee to their customers. Still, others work only on the Internet and undertake to take no administrative costs. The banks then pay them as businessmen.
Excessive friendliness realtor
Most real estate agents in Gurgaon, by nature, are excellent psychologists, who can gain the client. The fact that the broker is polite and even friendly – typical situation. However, it is important to “filter” the theme for discussion, to prevent a situation where the professional communication turns into private. One of the most common methods used by the “black realtors” – apartments for sale through intermediaries.
Now the profession works with regulations only. In practice, this means that until the borrower accepts the offer, no payment, in any form, can be made on behalf of the Borrower or by the Lender, nor by the borrower to the lender. A provision that protects the borrower and allows him to change his mind when he wishes.