Among the good intentions that you may already be doing for 2018, there may be that of moving home. This is an important step, which opens a whole new page in your life. But it is also a step that involves questions such as: is it better to light a mortgage, or continue to live in rent at rented property in Delhi?
To want to hear the owners of an apartment, lighting a silent is not convenient either in 2018 or in the future. The taxes to be paid on real estate are exorbitant, and those who buy a property as an investment eventually find themselves paying more than they have spent.
To want to hear the tenants, owning a home is a real fortune. The money paid to pay the rent in a certain sense is given to the wind since it is a charge that does not produce any advantage. Moreover, since rents are getting more expensive, turning on a mortgage is convenient. At least, the money spent in 2018 will be well invested.
Rather than relying on personal opinions, we try to understand what may be the pros and cons of each choice.
The Advantages of Choosing Rent
In 2018 you could live in a better apartment than you hope
With market prices soaring, it is now unthinkable to spend less than 200,000 Euros even for a cubbyhole of a couple of rooms and fifty square meters. If you choose to rent in 2018, you will have the advantage of living in a larger and better apartment than you could buy with your savings.
Availability for more profitable investments
If you choose to rent in 2018, do not keep the money needed to pay the loan. You can then use this amount for much more profitable investments and with a higher return in the short term.
A Better Life Standard in 2018
Yes, we know: the money paid for renting will not allow you to acquire the rented property in Gurgaon where you live but in the situations, you can use the amounts you save each month to give you the small joys of life. These are joys that you may have to give up in 2018 if you choose to light a mortgage. There are not a few cases of those who, after having lit a mortgage, find themselves having to count the 10 cents pennies when they go to the supermarket think about it: would you like it?
A Home Always Suitable for Your Needs
Maybe a child will arrive in 2018, and the family will grow bigger. You will need an extra room for his games and his belongings. If you live in rent, you will always have the possibility to leave the apartment to look for a bigger one. If instead, you take on the burden of a mortgage; in 2018 you will have to stay in the apartment where you already live. With the prices they run, it may be an apartment too small for the needs of your family.