Buying an occupied property, that is to say acquiring a dwelling occupied by a tenant during the lease, can present for an individual, a judicious investment. Discover the features of buying an occupied home and our advice for making this type of real estate investment a success.

Three strategies can be at the origin of such an acquisition:
- The buyer wishes to secure additional income.
- The buyer aims to live in the main residence in the longer or shorter term. This is particularly the case for expatriates who invest in stone in their country of origin, without having an urgent need to occupy the accommodation and who wait a few years before moving in.
- The buyer wishes to eventually house his children in the property.
These three situations which explain the desire to buy an occupied property should not make us forget that the practice certainly has bigger advantages.
Buying occupied property offers an attractive discount
Buying rented properties in Delhi costs less to purchase than an empty asset. The discount can be significant. The figures are not unanimous but the result is there: a price quite below the market, which can be sufficiently tempting during a period when prices are rather high.
Investing in rented accommodation allows you to know your tenant in advance
Another major advantage of “occupied sales” is that you do not need to look for a tenant in the event of a rental investment and thus be assured of not having to face a rental vacancy.
Indeed, during the signature at the notary, at the same time as the acquisition of the property, the lease transfer takes place and you become not only the new owner of the property, but also the new lessor of the tenant.
To notify the tenant of this change, you will need to write an addendum to the lease. A good opportunity to communicate your contact details or those of your representative with a view to paying future rents.
The assurance of not being faced with a rental vacancy is doubly interesting for the investor. On the one hand, he receives a rent without interruption and on the other hand, by this means, he reassures his bank, fond of this kind of investment because it involves a more limited risk.
Thanks to the rental income from the rented property, your mortgage is reimbursed
The acquisition of rented properties in Noida can be done by borrowing via a mortgage and you can count on the rents collected to repay all or part of your monthly payments. The operation can indeed be painless for you insofar as the rental income can cover all the monthly payments of your loan.
Be careful, however, an owner may wish to resell an occupied property because his tenant is a bad payer and he has trouble repaying his loan, not being able to count on the rent for that. So always ask so as not to find yourself in the same situation, the history of sales receipts.
We also remind you that you must take into account the tax on your rental income. The total amount collected cannot therefore be used to repay your credit. Remember to deduct the share that will go to the tax authorities.